FEATURED POETRY: Trapped, Chained, Imprisoned: A Battle From Within by Edrian Rowen Macawile

You are trapped
Tigers and lions, now beasts surround you
Play dead to avoid death, pray as you do
Sinner’s Prayer unheard, monsters bellowed, you’re wrapped

Killing knives, slaying swords, are these enough?
One down, ain’t done, be strong and stay tough!
Kill the tigers; slay the lions – dead meat
Blood and sweat, bitter yet sweet, many more to meet and beat

You are chained
In a realm of darkness, hopeless but fearless
Screams of sorrow, tears of terror – heart hardened however hopeful
Fears faded, strength spawned; with all power, chains are broken

Guns and arms – everyone swiftly runs, echoin’ loudly are alarms
Guns banging, bullets breaking, bodies bleeding
Head shot – first kill; others left to kill, liters of blood to spill
Ground so red, bound in and see the corpse of dead: you escaped death

You are imprisoned
In a room of gloom, with fellow preys seeking for challenge and revenge
Beckoned by beasts when trapped, screamed and shrieked when chained
United as one, called as one – we are amalgamated for a revolution

Big bombs booming, clashing cannons crashing: a start of a war
You against yourself, I versus myself, we against ourselves: losing, not an option
You beat your beasts, I thrash my titans, and we defeat our demons: winning not afar
Fists of a champion, heart of a victor – we have prevailed from a self-insurrection