FEATURED POETRY: A Gift in Disguise by Karla Mae Domingo

Beneath its numerous pages
Came thoughts outlined rather than scattered
To express what’s inside,
It treated other’s hearts with its words of valor
Maybe intentional, maybe coincidence
An inspiration rouses upon it
Everyone reading find it precious in their eyes,
That’s why it is called a gift in disguise.

Through myriad reading
Of words between pages;
Through endless writing
Of stories that seemed concealed for ages;
She had created her own to give to the world

Inside its words, ideas, and deep deliberations
Arouses a desire from a mind wandering,
And a hand shivering,
Creating fumbled words
Around its own vast imagination

Broad images of daylight and noon
She espies it lucidly in every corner
Craving for notions of new things to come
Provoking and lurking her
Giving a room for simple things in mind

She is a writer scribbling thoughts in her mind
Without expecting of acknowledgement,
Of the talent she hides,
Tried her best to compile the scattered ideas
Turned it into something she had always loved,
A book

Today is the day she’s been dreaming of,
To write, and share to the people
Without hesitating she brings it out
Passes to everyone, waits for a response
Without a doubt

It was the moment where illusions were not far from reality
When all that are laid were worthy
To receive appreciation she was longing
With confidence and wit once in her was hiding

Beneath numerous pages,
Comes thoughts shattered or organized
May be fiction, may be a memoir
For her, everywhere is a book to find
